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    Box with soft gelatin capsules (100 mg) of Q10 Green

    Q10 in vegetable capsules

    • Q10 for vegetarians and vegans
    • The Q10 Phyto capsules, Phytocaps®, are made from fermented corn, potato, and peas (they do not contain cellulose - also called hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or HPMC)
    • Phytocaps®, developed by Pharma Nord, represents a whole new generation of natural, soft vegetable capsules
    • Q10 Phyto's content is manufactured using the same patented manufacturing process as Bio-Quinone Q10 Gold to ensure high absorption and bioavailability with documentation
    • The Q10 raw material used in this product is identical with the Q10 form that the body synthesizes
    • Manufactured under pharmaceutical control


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    Q10 Phyto Bio-Quinone 100mg

    Pharma Nord

    Content 1 capsule % of ADT* 3 capsules % of ADT*
    Ubiquinon (coenzyme Q10) 100 mg ** 300 mg **
    dissolved in vegetable oil.        
    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 286 µg 20% 858 µg 61%

    *Recommended Daily Allowance.
    ** RDA not established.

    Product Facts


    1-3 capsules per day or as directed by a health professional.
    Do not exceed recommended amount
    To be taken with food.

    Pregnant and lactating woman and persons on medication should seek professional advice prior to taking supplements.

    Nutritional supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

    Room temperature and out of direct sunlight.
    Keep out of reach of children.

    Soybean oil* (where of a part is hydrogenated.)
    Glazing agent: Hydroxypropyl starch
    Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone.)
    Humectant: Vegetable glycerol.
    Stabilizers: Agar, Carrageenan, Pectin (apple)
    Purified water.
    Cocoa powder fat-reduced.
    Humectant: Sorbitol
    Green tea powder
    Red beet powder
    Antioxidant: Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol)
    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin.)

    *Does not contain estrogenic substances.

    Patented manufacturing method, EP 3 190 898 B1.

    The ingredients in this product does not come from organic farming. The term "Bio" in this context refers solely to the product's bioavailability or biochemical organic nature.

    What is Q10 Phyto Bio-Quinone?

    Corn, potatoes, peas and Q10 Green phytocapsules.

    Pharma Nord's preparation Q10 Phyto has been developed for the growing number of consumers that choose to cut animal products of our their diet.

    Q10 Phyto consists of soft vegetable capsules with Q10 (100 mg) in the form of active ubiquinone dissolved in vegetable oil. The capsule shell has 0.28 mg riboflavin added. The Q10 content in Q10 Phyto is the exact same as in the original Q10 Gold, and a similar effect can be expected.

    For decades, Pharma Nord's Q10 has been the world's most widely used brand. This can be attributed to its excellent bioavailability and good documentation.


    Phytocaps®cellulose-free vegetable capsules

    The capsules in Q10 Phyto are unique. Pharma Nord has developed  the phyto-capsules and registered them as a trademark. The capsules are made from local Danish raw materials such as potatoes, peas, and non-GMO corn that have been fermented. In other words, they are made with healthy nutrients that can be digested.

    To protect the content of the capsules from light, a mixture of low-fat cocoa powder, beetroot powder, and green tea has been used.

    The soft phytocapsules are without the semi-synthetic substance hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose (HPMC), which is produced from acid-treated wood pulp or cotton. HPMC is mostly only used in hard capsules.

    Pharma Nord was also offered HPMC when we had to make the vegetable capsule, but we wanted a capsule completely without indigestible ingredients.

    Instead, we have spent more than three years developing and testing our own phyto-capsules to avoid using HPMC, a raw material known from the wood and cellulose industry.

    The main challenge with this vegetable Q10 preparation has been the development of the capsule itself. The content inside the capsules is already vegetarian and vegan-friendly.

    Read more about the development of Phytocaps. Click here!


    What is coenzyme Q10?

    Coenzyme Q10 (or just Q10) is a vitamin-like substance. It's also called ubiquinone (ubi is Latin and means ”everywhere”). The name indicates that Q10 is found in virtually all body cells. Q10 is a lipid-soluble substance that tends to aggregate in large crystal formations, which the body cannot absorb. With help from a unique manufacturing technique that is developed and patented by Pharma Nord, the Q10 raw material undergoes a special heat and oil treatment that enables the large Q10 crystals to dissolve completely at body temperature. Pharma Nord has managed to develop a Q10 formulation that has documentation for its excellent bioavailability. This is due to the combination of using high-quality Q10 in a special soy oil formulation that enables complete dissolution of the active compound to help it through the intestinal membrane and into the bloodstream. The product is manufactured in compliance with the GMP rules (Good Manufacturing Practice) that is used for pharmaceutical drug manufacturing.

    Muscle cells need a lot of Q10

          When a cell needs energy it converts fat, carbohydrate, protein, and alcohol into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a molecule that stores energy in its chemical form. When the cell needs energy it breaks down the ATP molecule and releases the energy that is trapped inside. The entire process takes place inside the cells in some small bean-shaped structures called mitochondria. Coenzyme Q10 is found in all mitochondria and is synthesized by the body. Muscle cells are particularly dependent on large amounts of energy, which is why muscle cells contain substantially more mitochondria than other types of cells. The heart muscle is a good example of body tissue where the cells have higher mitochondrial density and a correspondingly large energy requirement. 

    A very safe substance
    Scientific articlesStudies have shown that even long-term supplementation with Q10 does not affect the body's endogenous Q10 synthesis production of the substance. Pharma Nord has more than 20 years of experience with the use of Q10 as a dietary supplement and as a pharmaceutical drug.

    Our diet is believed to supply around 3 - 6 mg of Q10 daily, but the accurate amount is unknown. The body stores around 1-1.5 grams of Q10, most of which is found in the heart, liver, and kidneys.


    Vegetable sources for Q10

    Fruits, vegetables and nutsThere are no large quantities of Q10 in vegetable foods. The largest quantities of Q10 are found in organ and muscle meat. The best vegetable sources of Q10 are:

    • Soybean oil and soybeans
    • Spinach
    • Broccoli sprouts
    • Legumes
    • Avocado
    • Almonds and peanuts

    Questions and answers about Q10 Phyto


    1 - What is the difference between the various Q10 products marketed by Pharma Nord?

    Bio-Qinon Q10 30 mg: (Dietary supplement)
    The preparation is the only Q10 product in Denmark officially approved for the prevention and treatment of Q10 deficiency.
    The capsule content is identical to the content of Myoqinon, the research Q10 formulation. It is Q10 in the form of ubiquinone (oxidized Q10) dissolved in mixed purified soybean oils surrounded by a pharmaceutical grade gelatin capsule (animal). An advantage of this capsule size is that it can be ingested throughout the day in many different dosages: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 mg daily.

    Bio-Quinone Active Q10 GOLD 100 mg: (Dietary supplement)
    The capsule content is identical to our research Q10 formulation: Myoqinon. It is Q10 in the form of ubiquinone (oxidized Q10) dissolved in mixed purified soybean oils surrounded by a pharmaceutical grade gelatin capsule (animal). It contains a patented recrystallization technology that ensures high and documented absorption.

    Q10 Phyto - BioQuinone 100 mg: (Dietary supplement)
    This is a Q10 preparation suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The capsule content is identical to our research Q10 formulation: Myoqinon, Q10 in the form of ubiquinone (oxidized Q10) dissolved in specially treated soybean oils surrounded by a Pharma Nord-developed, soft, vegetable phytocapsule (made from, potatoes, peas and GMO-free corn). The difference between Q10 Phyto and Q10 Gold is exclusively the capsule shell. Q10 Green incorporates the same patented technology as Q10 Gold.

    BioActive Q10 Uniqinol 50 /100 mg: (Dietary supplement)
    The capsule content is the reduced form of Q10 (ubiquinol) together with 12 mg of vitamin C dissolved in coconut oil and surrounded by a pharmaceutical grade gelatin capsule (animal). Research data do not show that this type of Q10 has better bioavailability over Ubiquinone but some people prefer this form of Q10.

    2 - Is there a difference between the Q10 content in Q10 Phyto and Q10 Gold?

    No. The content of the Q10 itself in the two preparations is identical and at the same time identical to the Q10 that has been included in many scientific studies with Pharma Nord's Q10. The difference lies solely in the capsule shell.
    3 - Where does the Q10 come from in Q10 Phyto?

    The Q10 content in Q10 Phyto is formed using a fermentation process. The Q10 produced in this way is completely free of animal ingredients. It is also completely identical to the form that the body itself produces and is a pharmaceutical grade as opposed to food grade Q10.
    4 - Why do we use soybean oil and not olive oil or rice oil in Q10 Phyto?

    We have indeed considered and tested olive oil as well as a very wide range of other oils and fats to dissolve our Q10. The results of all this testing have clearly shown that a special combination of soybean oils with different melting points is necessary to obtain the best absorbability.

    However, you cannot compare our soybean mixture with the regular soybean oil used for cooking. Pharma Nord uses a pharmaceutical grade GMO free soybean oil completely purified of protein substances, which also have been analyzed for absence of proteins in an external laboratory. The protein substances in soybean oil are the same substances that have estrogen-like effects and that people with hypersensitivity to soy typically react to.

    5 - Why should Q10 Phyto be taken with a meal?

    Q10 is a fat-soluble substance that is transported in the lymph into the bloodstream. Therefore, it is important to take Q10 in conjunction with a meal that contains some fat to achieve the best absorption in the body. Take the Q10 Green capsule with the meal that contains the most fat.
    The maximum blood content of Q10 in the blood is reached approx. 6 hours after taking a capsule of Q10 Phyto.
    6 - Should I take breaks from Q10 Phyto?

    Q10 is an extremely safe substance that can be taken lifelong by adults. Pregnant and breastfeeding should not take Q10 because the safety of Q10 supplementation for these groups is not sufficiently documented. In addition, people on medical treatments are advised to be aware of possible interactions with Q10, which might indicate pausing Q10 intake. Please note that upon termination of supplementation, the body's Q10 level will return to the same level as before. This shows that supplementation with Q10 does not affect the body's own ability to produce Q10.
    7 - I can't swallow the Q10 capsule, can I cut it?

    You can cut a hole in the capsule with a knife or scissors and squeeze out the orange Q10 paste, but be aware that there will be some Q10 left on the inside of the capsule.
    You can also chew the capsule and bite the phytocapsule completely flat. Then you can eat the phytocapsule or spit it out.

    An experienced heart specialist and Q10 expert actually recommends chewing the capsules for best absorption. The Q10 Green capsules are taste neutral.

    If you suck on the capsule, it will burst after approx. 90 seconds.

    8 - How to store Q10-Phyto best?

    The Q10 Phyto capsules are intended for storage in the original package at room temperature. We test our preparations in heating cabinets so we know that they are effective until the expiry date.  After that, they will still be effective for some time if they have been stored correctly, but after the expiry date, our warranty for the efficacy and safety of the preparations will cease and we advise against  the use of preparations with exceeded expiration dates.
    The capsules can tolerate a temperature higher than room temperature, which will not damage the content, even if they become very soft, but the storage temperature should not exceed 86° F (30° C) for a long period of time.

    As a rule, we advise against storing the capsules in the refrigerator, partly because of high humidity and because very cold capsules are likely to reduce the absorbability. If the refrigerator is the only option to keep the storage temperature down, you can store them in a refrigerator, but preferably in an airtight container. Do not use the capsules directly from the refrigerator but let them warm slightly up first. Then there should be no problem.


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